Thanks Jason,

This has been added to the Wiki faq - (last item)

Jason van Zyl wrote:

On Tue, 2003-07-15 at 15:39, Andy Jefferson wrote:

Trying to use the Beta 10 and having problems with repositories. I've
changed nothing in the configs and if I now do a 'maven clean' I get
failure to download for all dependencies.

I have maven installed on Linux in /usr/local/maven and have installed
the JAR's in the repository there. I heard something about using a
$user/.maven directory. On the only dependency that it managed to
download, it decided to put that in the users own space.

Anyone got a definitive statement on what is the policy with local repositories ?

What I would expect would be to try the users home, and then
$MAVEN_HOME, and then complain. What it *seems* to do is just check the
users space. If this is correct, this would be no good for group
working. I have a centralised repository and users shouldn't need to
duplicate this (or even put in symlinks to the ones they need).

Any clues ?

The default value for maven.repo.local is now defined in the file and it has a value of:


This will default to


So you can override the value of maven.repo.local to set it to whatever
you desire but it now defaults to ~/.maven/repository to enable to use
of shared repositories.


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