Solved this one by getting a fresh update from cvs and by looking at the 
WebShop application made by ajsoft ( In my root dir I 
didn't have a where the root dir project.xml was 
excluded. Ajsoft's WebShop had this in their root dir 
(among other things): 

# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# P R O J E C T  P R O P E R T I E S
# -------------------------------------------------------------------

This ended my missery.


Thomas Christensen/nordija wrote on 23-07-2003 14:54:41:

> Hi
> I have a classic J2EE setup with an ejb-jar, a war file and they are
> combined into an ear file. The ejb-jar, the war file and the ear 
> file are each in a separa project dir with properties and project.
> xml. A root directory holds the overall project.xml. Each of the 
> components can be build using maven ejb, maven war and maven ear 
> respectively without problems. However when I use maven 
> multiproject:install from the root dir the build fails with the 
> File...... file:/C:/Documents and Settings/tchristensen/.
> maven/plugins/maven-multiproject-plugin-SNAPSHOT/
> Element... maven:reactor
> Line...... 138
> Column.... 9
> Unknown goal "multiproject:install-callback"
> com.werken.werkz.UnattainableGoalException: Unable to obtain goal 
> [multiproject:install] -- file:/C:/Documents and 
> Settings/tchristensen/.maven/plugins/maven-multiproject-plugin-
> SNAPSHOT/:138:9: <maven:reactor> Unknown goal 
> In each component dir (ejb-jar, war and ear) there is a project.
> properties containing a value of maven.multiproject.type. This value
> corresponds to the output type e.i. ejb, war and ear. There is also 
> a small maven.xml that has the default goal setup to ejb:install, 
> war:install and ear:install respectively.
> I understand that multiproject:install locates all project.xml files
> residing in the subdirs and it then executes "maven multiproject:
> install-callback" in each which should in turn make maven execute 
> the goal: maven ${maven.multiproject.type}:install. But somewhere 
> this fails on my install.
> My env:
> Maven 1.0 beta 11 checkout 17/7-2003 and maven-multiproject 
> downloaded as jar from ibiblio on the 23/7. Java version "1.4.1_03".
> BTW my subcomponents all extend the project.xml in my root directory.
> Am I missing something?
> Cheers
> Thomas

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