I'm sorry, but I'm pretty new to Maven. I can't even find a maven.xml file to add this to, and when I created one and placed this in it, Maven complained about "The prefix "j" for element "j:if" is not bound."

Can you give me a little more direction? I really appreciate the help so far.


Brett Porter wrote:


I've been meaning to clean this up and add it for a while, but here is the
idea. Maybe I'll add a wiki page in the meantime.
The main obstacle at the moment is obtaining overview-summary.xsl from
somewhere that it can be included in Maven. The one I use comes from one of
the various ant tutorials on the subject. Possibly it just requires a
modified version of the one already in the report plugin.

Once including this in maven.xml, set the property maven.test.mail.report to
enable mail and change the from address, then create overview-summary.xsl
and put it in the base directory.

 <postGoal name="maven-junit-report-plugin:report">
   <j:if test="${maven.test.failure}">
     <j:set var="mailReport" value="${maven.test.mail.report}" />
     <j:if test="${mailReport}">
       <attainGoal name="test:mail-report" />

<goal name="test:mail-report">


   <ant:style in="${maven.build.dir}/TESTS-TestSuites.xml"
style="${basedir}/overview-summary.xsl" />

   <ant:mail messageMimeType="text/html"
messageFile="${maven.build.dir}/junit-report-mail.html" subject="JUnit Test
Results for ${pom.artifactId}: ${TODAY}"
     <ant:from name="Build Master" address="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" />

Brett Porter
Team Leader, Core Systems
f2 network ~ everything essential

-----Original Message-----
From: K.C. Baltz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, 25 July 2003 7:26 AM
Subject: Revisiting Sending email with Maven

Looking through the archives, I saw a discussion at the beginning of the month on how to send an email when the Tests fail. I have a need for that and I was curious what if any progress had been made. Someone had mentioned "postgoals". I'm fairly new to Maven and don't recall seeing those in the docs. Could someone point me at them if that's the way to go for now?


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