It's always worth forking java whenever you get a message about a class not found in the xml packages.

Andy Jefferson wrote:

After investigating further I have set up an Ant build.xml and the
following runs *correctly* in Ant

<!-- Classpath. -->
<path id="class.path">
 <pathelement path="target/classes"/>
 <pathelement location="/usr/local/tjdo/lib/tjdo.jar"/>
 <pathelement location="/usr/local/jdo/src/jdo.jar"/>
 <pathelement location="/usr/local/jdo/src/jdori.jar"/>

<!-- JDO-enhance -->
<target name="enhance" depends="compile">
 <java classname="com.triactive.jdo.enhance.SunReferenceEnhancer"
   <arg line="target/classes/net/ajsoft/jdo/MyClasses.jdo"/>

Yet the Maven translated version

<postGoal name="java:compile">
<echo>JDO-enabling classes</echo>
<java classname="com.triactive.jdo.enhance.SunReferenceEnhancer"
failonerror="true" classpathref="maven.dependency.classpath">
<arg line="${}/net/ajsoft/jdo/MyClasses.jdo"/>
<echo>Classes are now JDO-enabled</echo>

fails with that "NoClassDefFoundError : org/w3c/dom/Document"

I've also tried adding
and this makes no difference.

There seems to be an issue with class-loading in Maven

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