Here is the answer that Evan gave privately, and I forwaring here with his 
permission.  His answer fixed my problem.

Thanks again Evan

Nelson Arapé
--- Begin Message --- I'm not much of an expert so I expect someone else more knowledgable to respond (which is why this is going directly to you).

Short answer: use _ instead of . in your variable names.

Jelly is interpreting the j:if and looking for object idl, to have property already which has property generated. Or equivalent to: idl.getAlready().getGenerated(). Changing the . to _ will make it more like a Java variable idl_already_generated.


Nelson Arapé wrote:


In a maven.xml, I have the following code:

      <j:set var="idl.already.generated" value="false"/>
      <u:available file="${idl.generated}">
        <j:set var="idl.already.generated" value="true"/>

<ant:echo message="${idl.already.generated}"/>
<!-- the following line allways prints true-->
<ant:echo message="${!idl.already.generated}"/> <j:if test="${!idl.already.generated}">
<ant:echo message="generating idl bindings"/>
<!-- idl compiling goes here-->

The second echo always prints true, so maven always compile my idl's. I've tried a lot of severals combinations (ant:available, ${idl.already.generated == null}, ${idl.already.generated != null}, etc) but I can't make it work.

Somebody can help me?

Thanks in advance
Nelson Arapé

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