Something like this should work:

  <property environment="env"/>
  <property name=mtconfig_env"   value="${env.mtconfig_env}"/>

assuming mtconfig_env is what it's called in the OS. If not, change
the value after 'env.' accordingly.

On Fri, 29 Aug 2003, at 11:05:23 [GMT +0100] Bateman, Patrick eMEDIA

> I'm trying the set two properties for my JUnit tests using
> 'maven.junit.sysproperties'

> maven.junit.sysproperties=mtconfig_env mtconfig_dir
> mtconfig_env=${mtconfig_env}
> mtconfig_dir=${basedir}/../mt_config/

> This cause a stack overflow because mt_config is self referencing.

> What I really want to achieve is to initialise mtconfig_env with an
> environment varaible from the OS.

> How do Maven property files load environment variables from the OS?

> Thanks

> Pat
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