There are a couple properties that I found useful to use in my own plugin.
I have a plugin that I want to generate meta information for all classes
compiled.  I conveniently added postGoal entries for "test:compile" and
"java:compile".  The properties I needed to leverage were:

maven.compile.src.set -> the set of Java Source directories -> already documented
maven.test.compile.src.set -> the set of Java Test Source directories
maven.test.dest -> the destination where test classes go

As you can see--only one of those properties is documented in the online
guide.  It would be beneficial to at *least* have the maven.test.dest
directory spelled out.  If there are preferred ways of specifying the
Java source directory and the Java test source directories over what I
dug up, I would be very happy to know what they are (there were none
documented.  The is the root of all the source folders,
not just the src/java folder.).

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