Yes, resolving dependencies all the time is a PITA.

What's your suggested alternative?

Do plugins declare whether they need the dependencies?
Some other method of us guessing?

If the project dependencies list had a clue as to which type of dependency they are, then they can be resolved occordingly.

As one person rightfully pointed out, there are runtime,
build time, and test time dependencies.  There may be more,
(possibly a packaging time?), but for the sake of simplicity/
discussion that should be enough.

The java:compile and test:compile would resolve all the
dependencies necessary for it at that time.  That can either
be done by having different dependencies sections like this:


Or it can be done something like this:

     <!-- ... -->

Either way, the project specific dependencies would not
need to be resolved until the proper plugin needed them.
The **:compile plugins would grab the build dependencies
plus whatever else it needed (like test dependencies for
the test:compile).

In the end, it is (conceptually speaking) not difficult.
Not having messed with much of the code, I cannot vouch
for the technical aspects of it.

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