
I have a problem with relative links in the Source/Test Source Xreference:
the generated links contain extra backslashes, e.g.
"\.\./\.\./\.\./\.\./overview-summary.html" instead of
"../../../../overview-summary.html". Thus all links to higher directories
are broken (Overview, Frames, Noframes, stylesheet). I'm using Maven

Anybody knows this issue? Is there anything I'm doing wrong? Due to a hint
in the Maven issue tracker, I also tried to change the project.xml
<package> separator from '.' to '/' (<package>berlin/fu/ties</package>
instead of <package>berlin.fu.ties</package>), but this didn't change


------------ Christian Siefkes -----------------------------------------
|     Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]    |     Web: http://www.siefkes.net/
| Berlin-Brandenburg Graduate School in Distributed Information Systems:
------------------------------------- http://www.wiwi.hu-berlin.de/gkvi/
The difference between theory and practice
tends to be very small in theory,
but in practice it is very large indeed.

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