On Tuesday 09 Sep 2003 18:46, Christian Andersson wrote:
> Hi there, I have a small problem that I wonder if you could help me with..
> I'm developing an application with my own server system (rmi based at
> the moment) and now I need to run rmic on some of my files to generate
> the rmi classes, how do I do that?

I'd guess you need to write a plugin to do the job for you - or add a "goal" 
to your maven.xml (they both amount to the same but if you write it as a 
plugin, others can benefit from it as well). I did a search through the 
plugins and there seems nothing that uses rmic. What you need to do is look 
at an existing plugin (e.g maven-java-plugin-1.3), split open the JAR and you 
find a plugin.jelly. Look at the Wiki for how to create a plugin. What you 
need is a "goal" that uses the Ant rmic step - the syntax is the same as for 
ant, so add something like 

<ant:rmic ...>
    <classpath refid="maven.dependency.classpath">

adding the relevant Ant parameters to the "..." part to specify your files to 
be used etc.


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