Hi Jeff,

I use the 1.0-beta-10 (so no need to bootstrap), but have the same problem when link checking during site:generate. Sometimes it acts even more spectacular:
maven-linkcheck-plugin: Not using a proxy
/opt/maven/bin/maven: line 145: 9209 Bus error $JAVACMD $MAVEN_OPTS - Djavax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory=org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserFact oryImpl - Djavax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory=org.apache.xerces.jaxp.Documen tBuilderFactoryImpl "-Djava.endorsed.dirs=${MAVEN_ENDORSED}" -classpath "${MAVEN_HOME}/lib/forehead-${FOREHEAD_VERSION}.jar" "-Dforehead.conf.file=${MAVEN_HOME}/bin/forehead.conf" "-Dtools.jar=$TOOLS_JAR" "-Dmaven.home=${MAVEN_HOME}" $MAIN_CLASS $@

So far I omit this problem be specifically stating the reports to be run in the project.xml file excluding the linkcheck-plugin. Not of much help for you I guess. :-(
I filed it as bug into Jira (http://jira.codehaus.org/secure/ViewIssue.jspa?key=MAVEN-816).


On Friday, Sep 12, 2003, at 21:11 Europe/London, jeff grant wrote:

I've been trying, for about a week now, to get the maven bootstrap to work from CVS.

It will always hang (or at least it SEEMS to hang) on the linkcheck test, as follows:

[exec] test:test:
[exec] [junit] dir attribute ignored if running in the same VM
[exec] [junit] Running org.apache.maven.linkcheck.LinkCheckTest
[exec] maven-linkcheck-plugin: Not using a proxy

And it just sits there... and sits there... and sits there...

Am I missing something? Am I just being impatient? Is it actually working away? I've done a "top" and it doesn't seem to be doing anything (99% idle), and there appears to be no disk IO or network traffic going on...

The way that I've gotten it to work is to remove/rename this directory after a CVS checkout/update:


Once that happens, it builds just fine.

Any thoughts?


PS: I've just finished incorporating Maven into all my company's development work... it's awesome! Well done!

--------------------------- Jeff Grant Founder, Senior Technical Architect T-SWAT Consulting Ltd.

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