I'm managing a project at my local university for some professors and their
students, really trying to get them interested in maven.

As an experiment I wanted to split up my FAQs into more topical groupings,
such as the existing general faq, and one for my project members on the
who/what/why/where/etc on cvs ( a bunch of university students remember).

so I set a sort of hierarchy in my master project.properties:


which ends up basically as /projects/chronicle/xdocs/faqs/faq.fml

set this in my master maven.xml:

<preGoal name="xdoc:jelly-transform">
    <attainGoal name="faq"/>

everything worked fine.  I went ahead and created cvs-faq.fml and stuck it
in that directory.  Without making any other changes multiproject executed
and in fact did the cvs-faq.html!

No other changes, no looping through attainGoals resetting the
maven.faq.src.file and maven.faq.dest.file as I was expecting to have to do.

Looking through the multiproject, site, and faq plugin.jelly files, I don't
see anywhere how this happens, no globbing file names or anything.
There are multiple **/project.xml, but only the parent registers the faq.

this is most curious.  Is this an undocumented feature or an unexpected


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