Hi there, just wnated to tell you that I now have managed to create a first generation alpha version of an rmicomiler for maven.

the rmicompiler searches the compiled classes in the project and search for files classes that extends the java.rmi.Remote interface.
after that it passes all of these files back to the jelly script where I use the ant:rmic task to compile the files..

There is a great need to make this a more general usage, since at the moment everything is sort of hardcoded into the javaclasses and the script files...

if anyone has a need for this functionallity I'll send it to you, just let me know .-) (you have been warned)

I have an idea that the classes that searches for the Remote interface could also be more generalized so that I can in the jelly script tell it what it shoulc search for, so that it could for example search for cactus test classes (thanks to Vincent Massol for the lead with the OLD Cactus plugin, I've completely ripped it) :-)

anyway, just wanting to let you know, I'll be working a lot with this plugin,trying to get it ready for the "masses"

/Christian Andersson

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