As per my last email, the -X value should have been -Xmx no -Xms

-----Original Message-----
From: Luke Taylor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2003 12:46 PM
To: Maven Users List
Subject: Re: maven memory increase...

Ciramella, EJ wrote:

> Ok after toying around with these options, now I get the following error:
> Error occurred during initialization of VM
> Incompatible initial and maximum heap sizes specified
> I've reset things to default where I could, but I'm still not getting
> anywhere.  
> Any suggestions?

How about some detailed information on what you're actually doing and 
what the results are? If you say you've "toyed around with these 
options" then we're all going to be guessing pretty much. It's a pretty 
straightforward JDK issue of setting the parameters correctly but it's 
up to you to say what platform you're running on and what values you 
have for the heap sizes.

Why don't you add a line to the script just before java is called and 
echo the value of MAVEN_OPTS?


  Luke Taylor.                      Monkey Machine Ltd.
  PGP Key ID: 0x57E9523C  

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