Why don't you use xml entity to externalise this part of file
declare like this :
<!ENTITY userChristian SYSTEM "Christian.xml">
and insert at the corect location with :

In fact for the dependancy it could be a good idea so that dependant 
project could use same jar version. 
But you will loose the version number in a project  so can't be sure of 
the docs to look at for exemple


Christian Andersson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
19/09/2003 11:14
Veuillez répondre à "Maven Users List"

        Pour :  Maven Users List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        cc : 
        Objet : some ideas about a collection of default settings

not sure if this has been voiced before (I've tried some searches in the 
archive,but ither I'm not good enough with my searches or there is 
simply nothing there)

anyway, what I was wondering is if there has been any talk of some sort 
of collection of default settings..

for instance we here have many small projects creating 1 jar file each, 
in the project.xml I have for each of these the 3 or more delevoper 
tags. however these developers recur in many of these projects, so my 
idea is that instead of having to typ the complete developertag all the 
time (like this one for me)
   <name>Christian Andersson</name>
   <email>ca ofs no</email>
   <organization>Open Framework Systems AS</organization>

I was wondering if I could enter this information somewhere else 
"globally" and in the project xml just use something liek this..
<developer id="ca"/>

and maven should look my information in the "collection" of default 
settings and add the rest to the "in memory" project.xml

the same should also go for all the other data that is regularly used
like the dependency tags..

I know that I could use the "Overriding Stated Dependencies" in the 
property files to do this, but this looks to be user specific, not 
globally...  and I'm not really talking about overriding here...
more like the other way.. for example...


would make maven search the collection to see if that artifact is 
described in there, if it is good, use that to fill in the "empty" tags 
needed for the dependency (like groupId, version, etc)


would make maven search the collection to see if that artifact is 
described in there, if it is good, use that to fill in the "empty" tags 
needed for the dependency, however compard to the one above, version 2.2 
should be used nomatter what has been described in the collection...

anyway it is just an idea.... :-)

/Christian Andersson

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