On Mon, 2003-09-29 at 19:51, Elias Sinderson wrote:
> Hey now,
> After using Maven for a week or so, I discovered the 'jbuilder' goal (!) 
> but executing 'maven jbuilder' generated an error stating that "A 
> JBuilder installation could not be found." Referring to the online 
> jbuilder plugin information, I attempted setting various properties 
> manually on the command line but only got the same error. Examining the 
> plugin.jelly script in 
> ~/.maven/plugins/maven-jbuilder-plugin-1.3-SNAPSHOT, it appears that the 
> value of jbDefaultProject is somehow null at runtime...
> I do not see anywhere in the plugin.jelly script where this value is 
> set, so how can I get it to be something other than null? I attempted to 
> set it on the command line using -D, but this led to a 
> NullPointerException somewhere in jbuilder:generateProjectLibrary... 
>  :-(  Any assistance would be appreciated, as right now I'm not even 
> sure that anyone has gotten 'maven jbuilder' to work.

Sorry, I'm not a JBuilder user myself but maybe another user who has
successfully navigated the terrain can help.

> Regards,
> Elias
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Jason van Zyl

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and technical order to justify his work and to be justified in it.
  -- Jacques Ellul, The Technological Society

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