It works in RC1.
Thank you.

-----Original Message-----
From: Brett Porter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 06, 2003 5:16 PM
To: 'Maven Users List'
Subject: RE: Problem with Current Working Directory

Ok, now I've got it. If this is still a problem in RC1, let me know. I
believe I removed this behaviour when I fixed the ${basedir} problems, but
am not entirely sure.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alexey Krasnoriadtsev 
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Tuesday, 7 October 2003 10:10 AM
> To: 'Maven Users List'
> Subject: RE: Problem with Current Working Directory
> I will try RC1
> >Can you try RC1, and remove the use of FileUtil? 
> >
> should be absolute already, and you can use the 
> maven:makeAbsolutePath tag to do this otherwise.
> I don't actually use it directly. Both checkstyle and PMD plugins use 
> FileUtil to parse the dir structure (absolute.path.of.file -
> to produce the package names and 
> create links to the files. But because I call ant before the 
> site (to check out the latest source, as we do not use cvs) 
> the becomes invalid and therefore 
> all the links in checkstyle report and PMD report are broken.
> here is how checkstyle uses FileUtil
> <snip from 
> $MAVEN_HOME/plugins/maven-checkstyle-plugin/plugin-resources/c
> heckstyle.jsl>
>               <j:set var="fullSrcDir" 
> value="${}"/>
>             <j:set var="srcDir" 
> value="${fileutil.file(fullSrcDir).getAbsolutePath()}"/>
>             <j:set var="srcDirLength" value="${srcDir.length() + 1}"/>
>             <x:set var="files" select="file"/>
>             <!-- x:forEach is busted -->
>             <j:forEach var="file" items="${files}">
>               <!-- Type coercion doesn't work worth a fuck in 
> jexl. -->
>               <j:set var="name" 
> value="${file.attribute('name').getValue()}"/>
>               <j:set var="name" 
> value="${name.substring(mavenTool.toInteger(srcDirLength.toStr
> ing()))}"/>
>               <util:replace var="name" value="${name}" 
> oldChar="\\" newChar="/"/>
>               <!--- +1 is for the trailing slash above -->
>               <j:set var="errorCount"><x:expr 
> select="count($file/error)"/></j:set>
>               <j:if test="${errorCount != 0}">
>                 <tr>
>                   <td>
>                     <a href="#${name}">${name}</a>
>                   </td>
>                   <td><doc:formatAsNumber 
> string="${errorCount}" pattern="0"/></td>
>                 </tr>
>               </j:if>
>             </j:forEach>
> </snip>
> Thank you.
> --Alexey
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brett Porter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, October 06, 2003 4:57 PM
> To: 'Maven Users List'
> Subject: RE: Problem with Current Working Directory
> > Brett,
> > Thank you for your answer.
> > 
> > I use beta-10.
> Can you try RC1, and remove the use of FileUtil? 
> should be absolute already, and you 
> can use the maven:makeAbsolutePath tag to do this otherwise.
> > >Can you confirm that calling <ant /> changes ${basedir}
> > itself? If so,
> > >file
> > a bug in JIRA - my guess is if this is happening, that they
> > both use a system property and ant scrogs maven's value.
> > 
> > that's the point, ${basedir} is not changed, but the CWD
> > (current working
> > dir) of jvm is changed, so that when 
> > in org.apache.velocity.texen.util.FileUtil creates new file 
> > with relative
> > path:
> > new File(relativePath);, the file is created not in the 
> > ${basedir}, but in the dir from where the ant was invoked.
> I don't see how the JVM CWD can be changed, unless user.dir 
> is being modified. But this only affects things that use 
> user.dir, not the actual CWD which is a real nuisance. This 
> sounds as if it is a problem in ant though and beyond what 
> Maven can fix. Happy to be told otherwise if I am wrong here.
> Can you output ${systemScope.getVariable('user.dir')} before 
> and after to confirm it changes?
> Cheers,
> Brett
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