--- khote <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> uh, yes, I know that.
> How does MAVEN do it is a good question to ask MAVEN
> people.
> xdoclet mailing list is generally useless for this
> kind of information,
> they're too ant-oriented to be of much help to
> people who are trying to do
> it with maven.

As I'm active xdoclet commiteer, you would have
reached me as well on xdoclet list. I'r readinhg /
answering both. We are pretty maven oriented

----[ Konstantin Pribluda ( ko5tik ) ]----------------
Zu Verstärkung meines Teams suche ich ab Sofort einen
Softwareentwickler[In] für die Festanstellung. 
Arbeitsort: Mainz 
Skills:  Programieren, Kentnisse in OpenSource-Bereich
----[ http://www.pribluda.de ]------------------------

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