I've had a project (multi project) with a single parent project setup for a while and working fine with rc1 under Linux.
Now I moved to Windows (temp) and suddenly the build failed. I tracked it down to a declaration of an external SYSTEM entity at the top of the project.xml. If I commented out the one reference to the entity everything works, otherwise I get a UnknownhostException.
I observed that the relative URI in the entity declaration, which I expect to be relastive to the file's location, got expanded to a full absolute path in the form of a file: URI. It looked like:
The C: drive letter apparently gets seens as a host portion and things are downhill from there.
I changed the relative URL in the entity declaration from
"common/developers.xml" to
and that problem went away (no longer expanded to an absolute path), but now the build works when executed through multi-project from the parent project, but files to find the external entity when run from with the sub project.
This makes me believe that a relative URI does not get interpreted relative to the document that contains it, but rather relative to the current working directory, which is highly undesirable.

Do I have the wrong expectations about this behavior? Is this a bug?

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