Hi All,
        Have been using maven for the last month and have found it 
immensely useful, especially on the reports side that I had been doing 
manually using ant. The last report I have to get running is javancss, but 
I have hit a wall for the last day. I am using the maven javancss plugin 
from sourceforge 
        Everything runs fine until I attempt to do the xml-html transform 
(i.e. see jelly script, do-html goal). When this is called, I get the 
following error:

    [java] (Location of error unknown)XSLT Error 
rConfigurationException): javax.xml.transform.TransformerException: 
formedURLException: unknown protocol: c
    [java] [ERROR] Java Result: -1

Has anyone else encountered this error? I have tried the mailing list (and 
google) but have found no meaningful discussion on this, hence my email 
here. Just to confirm, I can generate the javancss raw report in xml 
format, jus the xml-html transform does not work with the above error. Can 
also confirm I have the necessary javancss dependencies 

Any pointers appreciated.

Best regards,
Conor MacMahon

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