I am trying to write a goal (later on it will probably be a plugin), to
execute the main method on every files of a classpath (this is for special
classes that are available in a separate sourcepath).
All my classes are compiled under a ${rttest.classes.dir} directory.
What I am wondering is how to get the list of all classes under this
directory (and of course sub-directories) in order to perform forEach and use
the following code :
<j:forEach var="class.to.test" items="${all.class.to.test}">
      <echo>testing : ${all.class.to.test}</echo>
      <java classname="${class.to.test}" fork="yes">
            <pathelement path="${maven.build.dest}"/>
            <path refid="maven.dependency.classpath"/>
So how to initialize the ${all.class.to.test} varialbe correctly ?
Thank's for your help.

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