Right doctype for Hibernate 2.0 mappings is

<!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC
  "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD//EN"

Notice "2.0" in url. Then hibernate resolve this entity to dtd file in hibernate.jar. It seems there is a bug in maven hibernate plugin.


Ben Walding wrote:
Rather than pointing to a local dtd, whatever is using the .hbm.xml files should have a custom entity resolver to resolve the "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD//EN" to a local DTD.

Not sure which thing is using the .hbm.xml files though.

I sit behind a rather restrictive firewall and I've never had issues with the dtd validation causing problems. I presumed hibernate came packaged with the right one + custom entity resolver.

Leo Yamamoto wrote:

While using the Hibernate plugin with Maven, I came across an issue
regarding the schema file generation. The .hbm.xml files are generated with
the doctype:

<!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD//EN"

... which is normally okay, but this morning, hibernate.sourceforge.net was
down for me. Since I could not get that DTD, my build could not continue
(connection timed out). It wasn't easy trying to diagnose the error, either.
I did not try running the build in "offline" mode.

It would be nice if the generated files could either point to a local DTD or
have the option of not inserting a DTD.

Also, there are some cosmetic problems:

The JAR distributed with Maven is named maven-hibernate-plugin-1.0-SNAPHOT
instead of SNAPSHOT. I'm not sure if that is a problem, but it doesn't seem
to be.

The only goal
(http://maven.apache.org/reference/plugins/hibernate/goals.html) listed for
the plugin is "hibernate:schma-export" which is misspelled.

The opening page's description reads: "This plugin provides easy
intergration with Hiberante 2.x for your project."

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