jiaqi guo wrote:

Hi Stephen,
That's also exactly what I thought.
I used to think about making tornado based on Avalon, but it means too
much development work.

This would be suprising! Generally speaking there is leaning curve barrier - but once over the barrier developers find that the experience very signifance code reduction (I'm talking about 30-40%). There were unnecessary obstacles in Avalon about 18 months ago but these have been eliminated - and more recently, with the addition of a formal meta-model - well - its drop dead simple - even for composite components like James - install/customize/execute!

So I tried to turn on Plexus, but Plexus changes
so fast, it might be the best choice when it's stable enough.

Peronally I prefer Apache solutions. If your interested, Avalon can provide you with a bunch of rock solid development and runtime facilities that should deliver everything you need. You should take a look at the new web-site http://avalon.apache.org (all maven generated). There are maven plugins for component meta info generation, component simulation, and component deployment. In addition, the latest Avalon containers provide support for maven style repositories during development and runtime - in fact you can configure applications to use different repositories, or even expand reporitories using a block installer. Also in the pipeline is intelligent repository management including resource access handling on the server that intercepts requests for resources relative to a service description (as opposed to simple resources requests).

Turbine 3 is not recommended to use, but it already provided many features and less bugs, it could be easier to make tornado based on it.

Just for reference I'm playing around with Turbine 2.4 (dev content) under Avalon Merlin 3.2.

Cheers, Steve.


Stephen J. McConnell

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