"Horn, Cameron" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 06/11/2003 02:57:36 

> You have been extremely helpful, which has been the most promising 
> thing so far.  Thank you.  On the other hand, it does seem like 
> maven still needs a heck of a lot of work.
Sure does. As does Ant, JUnit and any other piece of software.

> It also seems like maven has a very singular way of working that 
> doesn't really suit the way I want to work.  Is there interest in 
> broadening the way maven can work (say, satisfying dependencies with
> CVS), or should efforts to that end be devoted to a different project?

You can specify that your jars are not in the repository using a 'jar 
override' feature.

See the user's guide, 
, for more information.

The users guide gives an example of how you can use the jar override to 
point to jars 'in CVS', in that case, in ${basedir}/lib.

> Re: task appearance
> Odd, that.  Does the annoying ASCII art supercede task labels?

Supercede, no. Augment, yes.

> Re: dependencies
> This behavior also suggests that it would be impossible to "lock 
> down" a potential set of dependencies that a project can use.  Even 

Maven does not force people to use or lock down a set of dependencies. 
What ever you can get into the local repo can be used to build.

> Re: return codes
> I'll submit an issue for it tomorrow, but if anyone was curious, 
> here's a snippet:
> <snip>
>      [exec] +----------------------------------------
>      [exec] | Building Maven VDoclet Plug-in
>      [exec] | Memory: 156M/158M
>      [exec] +----------------------------------------
> <snip>
>      [exec] java:compile:
>      [exec]     [echo] Compiling to C:
> \blah\jbuild\maven\src\plugins-build\vdoclet/target/classes
>      [exec]     [javac] Compiling 1 source file to C:
> \blah\jbuild\maven\src\plugins-build\vdoclet\target\classes
>      [exec] BUILD FAILED
>      [exec] com.werken.werkz.UnattainableGoalException: Unable to 
> obtain goal [plugin] -- file:/C:/Documents and Settings/hornc/.
> maven/plugins/java/:55:48: <ant:javac> Error starting modern compiler
> <snip very long error description>
>      [exec] Unable to obtain goal [plugin] -- file:/C:/Documents and
> Settings/hornc/.maven/plugins/java/:55:48: <ant:javac> Error 
> starting modern compiler
>      [echo] 
>      [echo] 
> +------------------------------------------------------------------+
>      [echo] |    |
>      [echo] | I N S T A L L I N G  T H E  P L U G I N S    |
>      [echo] |    |
>      [echo] 
> +------------------------------------------------------------------+
>      [echo] 
> <snip happily continuing build>

I don't know when this was taken from, but CVS HEAD no longer has the 
vdoclet plugin as part of the bootstrap process.

BTW, the bootstrap process is built in Ant for the most part. I suppose we 
could update the bootstrap exec to failonerror.
dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting
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