Hi Folks,

I'm upgraded to RC1 and have now problems compiling a project which uses
assert keyword.

Whe I set ${maven.compile.source} to 1.4 the problem should be compilable as
in beta-9. Has the property name changed or is this a bug?

Here the output I got:

    [echo] Compiling to C:\java\project\repos\wps-manwe/target/classes
    [javac] Compiling 26 source files to
javac: source release 1.4 requires target release 1.4
Usage: javac <options> <source files>
where possible options include:
  -g                        Generate all debugging info
  -g:none                   Generate no debugging info
  -g:{lines,vars,source}    Generate only some debugging info
  -nowarn                   Generate no warnings
  -verbose                  Output messages about what the compiler is doing
  -deprecation              Output source locations where deprecated APIs
are us
  -classpath <path>         Specify where to find user class files
  -sourcepath <path>        Specify where to find input source files
  -bootclasspath <path>     Override location of bootstrap class files
  -extdirs <dirs>           Override location of installed extensions
  -d <directory>            Specify where to place generated class files
  -encoding <encoding>      Specify character encoding used by source files
  -source <release>         Provide source compatibility with specified
  -target <release>         Generate class files for specific VM version
  -help                     Print a synopsis of standard options

Whats wrong?


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