> Also, while we're talking about ibiblio, wouldn't it be nice 
> if we as project managers could retain control over our own 
> release cycles by deploying to a public webserver controlled 
> by us?  Then, this dependency analyzer-on-steriods could 
> perform some kind of lookup to determine which site to 
> actually perform the download from...The accuracy of this 
> (specified in the POM, maybe) could be determined via test 
> code before the project's POM is allowed to be housed on the 
> maven server (whichever instance of that server it is).

This sounds a bit chicken and the egg though. You put your POM on ibiblio
and then it specifies where to find the JARs? But when you release, you
release a new POM... Where do you put that? Back to the same problem.

There's plenty of discussion surrounding repositories at the moment, but it
comes down to making it easier to put your own artifacts somewhere everyone
knows how to find.

> I know that the core developers have been talking about this 
> for quite some time, and I have to say that I salivate merely 
> thinking about having this type of power at my fingertips. I 
> know, I know, someone will inevitably mention "What about 
> nesting depth of dependencies...couldn't high depth produce 
> an unbuildable project?" but I'd definitely rather work with 
> that danger (and manage it) than have to constantly cut and 
> paste dependency lists...

Transitive dependencies are definitely on the list, but after Maven 1.0.
I don't think cyclic dependencies are that big a worry as you mention here,
but more the problem of knowing which dependencies are transitive and how.
This comes down to types - some runtime deps of B (a dep of A) won't be
needed by A. And what about if A does a war.bundle on B... Does it also
bundle all of its dependencies? If not, which does it bundle, and which not?
What about clashing versions?

> Like I said, they are working/thinking on it, and I think 
> they have something up their sleeves.  But it never hurts to 
> throw a feature vote into the circle when the subject comes 
> up, I suppose!

Maybe it'd be good to start putting something together on the wiki... Ideas,
wishes, etc?

- Brett

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