Yes, the <id> tag exists and is different in all projects.

On Fri, 5 Dec 2003, at 16:18:19 [GMT +1100 ] Brett Porter wrote:

> Is <id> in the subproject different to <id> in the parent project, or
> missing?

> They need to both exist and be different.

> - Brett

>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Jefferson K. French [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>> Sent: Friday, 5 December 2003 4:17 PM
>> To: Maven Users List
>> Subject: Re: Unknown goal "multiproject:install-callback"
>> Anyone have any ideas on what could be causing an unknown 
>> goal error for multiproject:install-callback? I've searched 
>> the email archive and google, but haven't found anything 
>> about unknown multiproject callback goals.
>> I invoked reactor from maven.xml and installed my jars 
>> successfully. Maybe I have something wrong with my 
>> multiproject properties? My properties are:
>>   maven.multiproject.ignoreFailures=false
>>   maven.multiproject.navigation=aggregate
>>   maven.multiproject.aggregateDir=
>>   maven.multiproject.type=jar
>>   maven.multiproject.includes=*/project.xml
>>   maven.multiproject.excludes=project.xml
>> and my project layout is like this:
>>   project.xml
>>   jar-1/
>>     project.xml
>>     src/...
>>   jar-2/
>>     project.xml
>>     src/...
>>   jar-3/
>>     projects.xml
>>     src/...
>> Thanks for any pointers.
>>   Jeff
>> On Sat, 29 Nov 2003, at 12:55:21 [GMT -0600] Jefferson K. French
>> wrote:
>> > I'm trying to use multiproject for the first time, but I'm 
>> getting an 
>> > unknown goal error for multiproject:install-callback. I'm not sure 
>> > what I'm doing wrong, because multiproject's plugin.jelly file does 
>> > contain an install-callback goal. Has anyone seen this before? It's 
>> > quite possible I have something setup wrong in my 
>> subproject POMs, but 
>> > I don't understand how that could cause the "unknown goal" error.
>> > Here is part of the output log:
>> > $ maven -X multiproject:install
>> >  __  __
>> > |  \/  |__ _Apache__ ___
>> > | |\/| / _` \ V / -_) ' \  ~ intelligent projects ~
>> > |_|  |_\__,_|\_/\___|_||_|  v. 1.0-rc2-SNAPSHOT
>> > ...
>> > Our processing order:
>> > MDB Utils
>> > +----------------------------------------
>> > | Executing multiproject:install-callback MDB Utils
>> > | Memory: 2M/3M
>> > +----------------------------------------
>> > File...... 
>> > 
>> file:/home/jeff/.maven/plugins/maven-> multiproject-plugin-1.2-SNAPSHOT/
>> > Element... maven:reactor
>> > Line...... 184
>> > Column.... 9
>> > Unknown goal "multiproject:install-callback"
>> > com.werken.werkz.UnattainableGoalException: Unable to 
>> obtain goal [multiproject:insta
>> > ll] -- 
>> file:/home/jeff/.maven/plugins/maven-multiproject-plugin-1.2-S
> NAPSHOT/:184:9: 
>> <maven:reactor> Unknown goal "multiproject:install-callback"
>>         at
>>         at com.werken.werkz.Goal.attain(
>>         at
> org.apache.maven.plugin.PluginManager.attainGoals(
>>         at
> org.apache.maven.MavenSession.attainGoals(
>>         at org.apache.maven.cli.App.doMain(
>>         at org.apache.maven.cli.App.main(
>>         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
>>         at
> sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
>> 39)
>>         at
> sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorIm
>>         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
>>         at
>>         at com.werken.forehead.Forehead.main(
>>         ...

>>     Jeff


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