I have been looking at maven in my spare time for the last week or so,
and I am very impressed.  I'm using it to build a couple of 'trivial'
projects, where the final output is a jar file used in another project.

I'm now using multiproject to build a more complex project consisting of
several of these smaller projects.  I have searched the archives, but
can't find an answer for a couple of organizational questions.  If
someone could point me to an existing project as an example I could rip
apart, I would be very appreciative.

The project I want to build will have this final structure, that will be
the structure I would like to deploy (this is not a J2EE app... it is a
swing app with an embeded database and several command-line utilities.:

  |--lib  // contains all the jar files
  |--bin  // contains several bash script tools used as command
  |       // line utilities, as well as the startup for the
  |       // swing client/
  |--sbin // contains several other command-line tools

So, my first question is a philosophical one - how can I build multiple
command-line scripts when the pom should just be generating one

My other questions have to do with the structure - during my subprojects
build, how do I 'install' them into the lib directory? Is there a way I
can user the <dependency> tags in the pom to generate the classpath that
the shell scripts will contain?

A link to a project that does similar things will be enough to answer my
questions... I'll enjoy ripping it apart for the discovery.



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