I think this problem should have been noted by someone else so maybe it has been already discussed even if I have not found any reference in the mailing list archives.

I'll give a sample of a session on a clean windows machine, no previous maven installation.

I've downloaded maven-1.0-rc1.tar.gz an decommpressed to c:\java\maven-1.0-rc1.
Then I do the following in a command box:

C:\cd federico\eom
C:\federico\eom>set MAVEN_HOME=c:\java\maven-1.0-rc1
C:\federico\eom>set PATH=%MAVEN_HOME%\bin
Next I invoke Maven:
__  __
|  \/  |__ _Apache__ ___
| |\/| / _` \ V / -_) ' \  ~ intelligent projects ~
|_|  |_\__,_|\_/\___|_||_|  v. 1.0-rc1-SNAPSHOT

Directory c:javamaven-1.0-rc1\repository doesn't exists. Attempting to create.
Downloading ant-1.5.3-1.jar.

Two things:
- maven can't find c:\java\maven-1.0-rc1\repository, even if it exists
- maven creates the directory C:\federico\eom\javamaven-1.0-rc1, so backslashes are lost

Trying to use c:/java/maven-1.0-rc1 (forward slashes) for MAVEN_HOME fails as the check for existence in maven.bat fails;

C:\federico\eom>set MAVEN_HOME=c:/java/maven-1.0-rc1
ERROR: MAVEN_HOME is set to an invalid directory.
MAVEN_HOME = c:/java/maven-1.0-rc1
Please set the MAVEN_HOME variable in your environment to match the
location of the Maven installation

beta-9 works fine, but I've some probelms with plugins so I tried to switch to rc1.

Thank you very much

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