Ok, I found the solution ;) use the property 




> I've an error with the javadoc plugin. I think the problem is there is too
> much
> dependencies in the project. So the command line used to launch javadoc.exe
> is
> very long and it is not complete, an error is raised. Is there any solution
> ?
> File...... file:/C:/Documents and
> Settings/eboudrant/.maven/plugins/maven-multiproject-plugin-1.1/
> Element... maven:reactor
> Line...... 69
> Column.... 7
> Unable to obtain goal [site] -- file:/C:/Documents and
> Settings/eboudrant/.maven/plugins/maven-javadoc-plugin-1.3/:106:60:
> <ant:javadoc> Javadoc failed: java.io.IOException: CreateProcess: C
> :\j2sdk1.4.2_02\bin\javadoc.exe -use -stylesheetfile "C:\Documents and
> -d C:\win32app\cruisecontro
> -windowtitle "Eclipse EAI MAMO plugin 1.1.2 API" -doctitle "Eclipse EAI MAMO
> plugin 1.1.2 API" -bottom "Copyright &copy; MAMO-2003. All Rights Reserved."
> -classpath "C:\Documents and
> Settings\eboudrant\.maven\repository\log4j\jars\log4j-1.2.7.jar;C:\Docum
> ents and
> Settings\eboudrant\.maven\repository\junit\jars\junit-3.8.1.jar;C:\Documents
> and
> Settings\eboudrant\.maven\repository\jdom\jars\jdom-b9.jar;C:\Documents and
> Settings\eboudrant\.mave
> n\repository\jgraph\jars\jgraph-0.5.0.jar;C:\Documents and
> Settings\eboudrant\.maven\repository\jgraph\jars\jgrapht-0.5.0.jar;C:\Documents
> and Settings\eboudrant\.maven\repository\msl-tools\
> jars\msl-tools-1.0.2.jar;C:\Documents and Settings\eboudra?
> Total time: 20 minutes 37 seconds
> Finished at: Thu Dec 18 15:01:07 CET 2003
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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