On Thu, 2003-12-18 at 16:29, Chad McHenry wrote:
> One thing I'd like to see changed is having "JavaDocs" and "Source Xref" 
> promoted from being "Project Reports".  I would consider these more than 
> just reports: they are significant documentation!  There's even a 
> "JavaDoc Report" to emphasize the point!

Would you like to see JavaDocs in the quick links section? Chris
Stevenson also suggested this. As it is a pretty hot item it could be
moved into the quick links section. This is the kind of feed I'm looking

> ...Chad
> Jason van Zyl wrote:
> >Howdy,
> >
> >Prompted by Chris Stevenson Bob and I have started playing around with
> >the Maven generated site in order to make it easier to navigate and more
> >useful. Currenlty the book I'm working with is Homepage Usability by
> >Jakob Nielsen:
> >
> >http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/073571102X/qid=1071679585/sr=1-1/ref=sr_1_1/104-5601731-6202321?v=glance&s=books
> >
> >There are 113 recommendations so I'm slowly working through them to see
> >what makes sense and what can be applied to the Maven generated site.
> >
> >As a simple start we've tried to make the site look better and not be so
> >much a punch in the face when you first see it. Of course, this is
> >purely subjective but we'll refine the design as we go.
> >
> >On the main Maven site now you'll notice that there is a "Quick Links"
> >section. Currently I have this hardcoded into Maven's navigation.xml but
> >it is something that I would like to generate for the standard site. I
> >put a few entries there but suggestions for other hot items, like,
> >Javadoc, FAQs are welcome. We'll take the most popular suggestions and
> >add them to the "Quick Links" section or whatever it ends up being
> >named.
> > 
> >I've also started going through some of the reports and the first one I
> >fixed was the dependencies report which Norbert pointed out as being too
> >verbose. I agree so I changed the report back to its original terse
> >format.
> >
> >I'll be going through the rest of the reports, comparing with some books
> >I picked up but user feed back here is most important. I'm going to do a
> >little more tweaking then I'm going to release the plugin. Hopefully
> >people can try deploying their own sites and asking their users what
> >they feel is important. I think in a couple weeks with some good
> >feedback we can make some vast improvements to the standard generated
> >site. I also have only looked at the site using Mozilla/Linux so there
> >very well might be some problems with other platforms. Please just pop a
> >note in JIRA if you see something that looks horrible.
> >
> >Take a peek at the work in progress:
> >
> >http://maven.apache.org/
> >
> >  
> >
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Jason van Zyl

In short, man creates for himself a new religion of a rational
and technical order to justify his work and to be justified in it.
  -- Jacques Ellul, The Technological Society

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