An update for posterity ... I found the problematic code (by repeatedly
adding and removing classes / methods and trying again).  The error happens
in two places where I was using an anonymous inner class.  In both cases the
inner class called a super() that threw an exception.  Note however that the
exception was declared in the throws clause of the method where the inner
class was constructed (and recall that several other compilers approved of
this code).  

The error did not disappear when I wrapped the inner-class-constructing code
in a try/catch block.  

It did disappear when I removed the exception from the throws clause of the
parent's constructor. 

It also disappeared when I used an equivalent static inner class in place of
the anonymous inner class, while retaining the exception in super().  


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tripp, Bryan 
> Sent: December 30, 2003 12:57 PM
> Subject: aspectj plugin finds new compile errors but won't say where
> Hi, 
> The maven aspectj plugin is complaining of compilation errors 
> in my code, that aren't found by javac, or the default Java 
> build in Eclipse, or the AspectJ build in Eclipse.  No line 
> numbers (or even class names) are reported, so I don't know 
> how to go about fixing them.  
> One explanation could be that I'm accidentally pointing to 
> some old, erroneous code, but I couldn't find any orphan 
> copies of .java or .class files anywhere in my project.  
> Does this make any sense?  Are the locations of these errors 
> written anywhere? 
> Thanks, 
> Bryan 
> Maven: 1.0-rc1
> Eclipse AspectJ plugin: 0.6.4
> AspectJ compiler 1.1.1
> Maven AspectJ plugin: 1.1
>  __  __
> |  \/  |__ _Apache__ ___
> | |\/| / _` \ V / -_) ' \  ~ intelligent projects ~
> |_|  |_\__,_|\_/\___|_||_|  v. 1.0-rc1-SNAPSHOT
> Attempting to download maven-SNAPSHOT.jar.
> Overriding previous definition of reference to clover.classpath
> java:prepare-filesystem:
>     [mkdir] Created dir: 
> C:\eclipse\workspace\C-PRO\maven\target\classes
> java:compile:
>     [echo] Compiling to 
> C:\eclipse\workspace\C-PRO\maven/target/classes
>     [javac] Compiling 141 source files to 
> C:\eclipse\workspace\C-PRO\maven\targe
> t\classes
> clean:clean:
>     [delete] Deleting directory 
> C:\eclipse\workspace\C-PRO\maven\target
> clean:
> aspectj:compile:
>     [ajc] Compiling 144 source and 0 arg files to 
> C:\eclipse\workspace\C-PRO\mav
> en\target\classes
> unreported exception; 
> must be caught or d
> eclared to be thrown
> unreported exception; 
> must be caught or d
> eclared to be thrown
> 2 errors
> File...... file:/C:/Documents and 
> Settings/bryan/.maven/plugins/maven-aspectj-pl
> ugin-1.1/
> Element... ant:ajc
> Line...... 45
> Column.... 41
> Compilation error: -1
> Total time: 31 seconds
> Finished at: Tue Dec 30 12:02:59 EST 2003

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