On Wed, 2003-12-31 at 08:34, Mostashfi, Ali wrote:
> Hello,


> Anyone know how one can control the left-hand-side navigation bar's width of
> the site generated files?  

I'm not sure.  There's a way to work with stylesheets.  You might check
the site plugin documentation page.  I haven't gotten to this type of
thing myself yet.



> Also, anyone have any problems with the checkstyle-report.html file?  It
> doesn't get generated for my setup, and I have not been able to find out
> where anything gets set for that portion.

I've got the same problem.  I just removed it from my list of reports
because I don't really need it.

> Lastly, does anyone know how I can configure maven with following
> source-code's directory structure?

Okay, this I might be able to answer, though it's a guess:

> The source directory is:
> .
> |-- project.properties
> |-- project.xml
> |-- project
>     |`-- src
>     |    |`-- com
>     |         |`-- sra
>     |              |`-- app
>     |                   |`-- App.java
>     |
>     |`-- unit_test
>         |`-- src
>              |`-- com
>                   |`-- sra
>                        |`-- app
>                             |-- AppTest.java

In your project.xml file, you'll need something like:



The problem is that the unit test directory falls under the src
directory, so I think you'll have to set some "includes" and "excludes"
in the <unitTest> element of the project.xml. I'm not sure how to fix
the sourceDirectory as I don't see any properties for dealing with
that.  Is it impossible to re-arrange your source code?

There's also the "resources" element, but I've not seen any explanation
anywhere about what that does or what that means.

Finally, if all else fails, maybe including something in maven.xml will
work, though I have to admit, if you have to do a lot in there, you
might as well use ant, eh?  :)

Your best bet is to re-arrange the source code and be done with it. ;)

Good luck!


> I apologize if my questions are too basic, but I have been having a lot of
> difficulty with this.
> Best wishes,
> -AM

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