Hahne, Ronald wrote:

I need to write a jelly script at the top level of the multiproject which
will optain the POM id and currentVersion of each of the subordinate
projects. Can anyone tell how to obtain this info?

you could iterate through all maven.multiproject.includes and instantiate a pom for each subproject :

<util:tokenize delim="," var="projects">${maven.multiproject.includes}</util:tokenize>
<j:forEach var="projectFile" items="${projects}">
<util:file var="currentProjectPath" name="${maven.multiproject.basedir}/${projectFile}"/>
<maven:pom projectDescriptor="${currentProjectPath}" var="currentPom"/>
<ant:echo>id: ${currentPom.id}</ant:echo>
<ant:echo>version : ${currentPom.currentVersion}</ant:echo>

-- gd

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