On Tue, 2004-01-06 at 11:54, Daniel S. Haischt wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> hello,
> I am currently writing a Maven plugin for AndroMDA.
> see -> http://www.andromda.org/
> AndroMDA ships with an Ant task called ...
> ~ org.andromda.core.anttasks.AndroMDAGenTask

Save yourself a lot of grief and make a bean of the ant task and just
avoid the whole ant classloading issue which is a serious pain in the

Then you can give the bean to the AndroMDA folks and they can just wrap
the bean for use in Ant.

> ... that needs to be executed. I tried to model the
> Maven plugin for AndroMDA equivalent to the Jalopy
> plugin which also imports a standard Ant task definition.
> Unfortunatly I am unable to setup my CLASSPATH appropriatly
> I guess, because I am getting a class can't be found error.
> - -------8<--------8<----------8<---------8<--------
> taskdef class org.andromda.core.anttasks.AndroMDAGenTask
> cannot be found
> - ------->8-------->8---------->8--------->8--------
> The AndroMDA class that contains the Ant task is
> contained within a JAR file called 'andromda-2.1.2.jar'.
> Can you take a look at the attached files to tell me
> how to setup the CLASSPATH variable accordingly so the
> AndroMDA task for Ant could be executed?
> Thanx in advance!
> regards
> daniel s. haischt
> - --
> web:  http://www.daniel.stefan.haischt.name/
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Jason van Zyl

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