Has anyone experienced problems with wrong character encoding beeing
used when running java:jar-resources or test:test-resources ? 

It seems like the filtering target that is beeing used here
(maven:copy-resources) uses default encoding returned by the OS, wich is
different on win and Linux - hence causing problems when building the
same CVS-checkout on these two platforms.

Is there a way to specify what file encoding to use when running these
tasks? (looked in maven jelly doc - no suitable opts for the
maven:copy-resource ..)

Have tried setting the -Dfile.encoding property when running maven (i.e.
'$ maven -Dfile.encoding=ISO-8859-1 test') but this doesnt help - it
seems like options provided at tha maven CLI doesnt get propagate to the
JVM in which the targets are run.. (adding System.out.println(
System.getProperty("file.encoding")); to a test verifies this)

Any sugestions??

Kai/Norway :)

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