> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jason van Zyl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Sunday, January 11, 2004 10:54 PM
> To: Maven Users List
> Subject: RE: Mutliple source directories in project.xml
> On Sat, 2004-01-10 at 18:34, John Casey wrote:
> > It seems to me that the POM is the wrong place to put 
> anything related
> > to artifacts created during maven execution.  I'd even go 
> so far as to
> > say that the list of reports to be generated doesn't belong 
> in here.  
> I don't agree, and I have changed my mind a couple times along the way
> but the report element is a registry essentially and says what reports
> you want for the projects. I happen to think the POM is the place for
> it. For configuring each of the plugins that produce those reports,
> probably not.

I think they are! 

see your own comments below:
> I'm not sure what you mean by pure: as far as I have always 
> thought, the
> POM would describe everything about a project. I often see myself
> working at a nice GUI tool operating on the project. From this
> perspective, and to the user of this tool, whether things come from
> properties files or the POM is irrelavent. The use of properties files
> came into use simply because of their convenience and people being
> accustomed to them in Ant.

Exactly. For me POM = project.xml + project.properties. 
Maybe even maven.xml is a part of POM  (it contains definition of goals
which can be inherited by other projects)

So we can imagine methods like: 

List<Goal> Project.getGoals() (returns all goals implemented in maven.xml
file of given project + all inherited goals)

which can be inherited by child projects.

As far as I understand it today when POM will be read from database, ldap 
there will be no differnce between things which are coming from project.xml,
project.properties or maven.xml.

my 2 cents


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