
I need to rename my war file to meet some hosting / production /process

Changing the name is no problem.

However, I'd like to be able to insert a date in the middle of it so I
can do something like:


Is there an obvious way to get a date (and format it) using jelly or
some other thing in maven.xml?

Perusing the jelly core tags, I suppose I could instantiate a
jave.util.Date object, then a simple date formatter object, but that
seems like a lot of work.

Alternately, I could manually change the <currentVersion/> element in
project.xml, or use some other property I manually set (using -D for
instance), but, well, it would be ever so much nicer if there was
something like:

        <j:setDate var="mydate" when="current" format="yyyy-MM-dd"/>

Do I dare hope?


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