Do you know if this is due to the absence of the solnetant jar on maven's classpath? you might try adding it /maven/lib as a test.

I'm actually working out something similar where I have dependency jars for a plugin that need to get into the library to become available on the classpath.

I'm also writing a custom an task that will need to be runnable from inside a maven goal. But,the source code for the task is actually in the plugin code. and ends up on the classpath.

Hey folks? Why not have a more "granular" mechanism in plugins for dealing with jar dependencies such as this? Or is there some way I can setup a "lib" directory to get loaded onto the classpath used by my "plugin". Is there a means to designate at what level in the Classloader hierarchy a dependency get "inserted"?


Andy Lynch wrote:


I'm starting to use maven to build a fairly complex application which is currently built using Ant; and am having trouble trying to use some custom ant tasks within Maven.

I've listed the jar file containing the tasks as a dependency:


and run our existing ant file using the following maven.xml:
<project default="none" xmlns:j="jelly:core" xmlns:m="maven" xmlns:maven="jelly:maven" xmlns:u="jelly:util">
<goal description="Deploy app" name="deploy">
<ant dir="${basedir}" antfile="buildscripts/build.xml"/>

The ant build starts, but shortly aborts saying it could not find the task defined in this jar. So I guess my question is, is there a way to specify a classpath for extra ant tasks within a maven project?

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