Try "postGoal" instead of "postgoal".


On Wed, 28 Jan 2004, at 13:58:06 [GMT +0100] mruff wrote:

> hi ,
> if I run the following maven.xml with
> maven
> then the postgoal is executed first, I do not have any idea why
> I would expect, when I call
> maven
> that the ctm-buildall goal is executed
> If I call maven ctm-generatedocs
> first multiproject is executed and then postgoal for ctm-generatedocs
> but the behaviour is NOT that way
> thanks for help

> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
> <project default="ctm-buildall" xmlns:m="jelly:maven" 
> xmlns:j="jelly:core" xmlns:u="jelly:util" xmlns:ant="jelly:ant">

> <goal name="ctm-buildall">
>     <ant:echo>lusere home: ${user.home}</ant:echo>
>     <ant:echo>local repository location: ${maven.repo.local}</ant:echo>   
>     <m:reactor basedir="${basedir}"
>                includes="**/project.xml"
>                excludes="project.xml"
>                goals="ctm-distribution"
>                banner="Building"
>                ignoreFailures="false"/>
> </goal>
> <goal name="ctm-generatedocs">
>     <ant:echo>local repository location: ${maven.repo.local}</ant:echo>
>     <attainGoal name="multiproject"/>
> </goal>
> <postgoal name="ctm-generatedocs">
>     <ant:echo>copy from: ${dir.maven.reportssource} to 
> ${dir.maven.reportswebserverdestination}</ant:echo>
>     <ant:delete dir="${dir.maven.reportswebserverdestination}"/>
>     <ant:copy todir="${dir.maven.reportswebserverdestination}">
>         <ant:fileset dir="${dir.maven.reportssource}"/>   
>     </ant:copy>
> </postgoal>

> </project>


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