
I'm investigating how to enable maven to handle a new language (Nice, http://nice.sf.net). Nice has its own compiler which produces java bytecode in the form of classes and jars, and it already has a Ant task (not distributed with Ant itself, though).

Is such situation documented anywhere? Ideas of where to look? So far I looked at the Java plugin, and I could adapt it to create a nice:compile goal, which calls the Nice compiler via the Ant task. One thing I wonder is how it is possible to "register" my new plugin, so that when a generic goal like 'build' is started, it would call nice:compile if there are any Nice packages to compile. Is this possible in a modular way, or would the core plugins need to be modified? Would the Maven-plugins project be interested in hosting the Nice plugin, or should I rather distribute it independently (in an alternate Maven repository?).

Maven looks great, thanks to all the developers. I hope that I will turn out to be alternative-language-friendly, or that we can make it become so.



PS: I this message is more suitable for maven-devel, please let me know.

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