Hi all
Been browsing through the list history and found some entries concerning CVS passwords and the changelog plugin. I'm not sure I understand well though :(.
To make this work, we need to define a pregoal in maven.xml for the maven-changelog-plugin:report.
That pregoal will use ant:cvspass tag to generate a password file:
(from the archive)

<cvspass cvsroot="${itag.jakarta.cvs.root}" password="${itag.jakarta.cvs.pass}"

But then, this password file needs to be passed to CVS. How exactly do we achieve this? The rest of the message found in the archive was calling CVS checkout using the ant:cvs tag... But generating the changelog report doesn't require checking out but running log command. From the jelly script, I can't see this parameter passed in any way. How exactly will that work?

And do we really have to "redefine" the cvs root? After all, it is defined in the project.xml file. True it must be parsed but...
thx for the help

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