This is the code I added to the plugin.jelly file in the aspectj-plugin
to make it weave into other jars.

<!-- Look for aspect libraries to weave into --> <ant:injars> <j:forEach var="artifact" items="${pom.artifacts}"> <j:set var="dep" value="${artifact.dependency}"/> <j:if test="${dep.getProperty('aspect.injar')=='true'}"> <ant:pathelement location="${artifact.path}"/> </j:if> </j:forEach> </ant:injars>

This goes right below <ant:aspectpath> in the aspectj:weave-internal goal. Also, I had to take out copyInJars from the <ant:iajc> task. You don't need it with aspectj-1.1.1.

Try it out. Let me know your results.



Vincent Massol wrote:

-----Original Message-----
From: Charles N. Harvey III [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 09 February 2004 23:01
To: Maven Users List
Subject: Re: aspectj includes

I don't know why they aren't associated with the aspected jar.
Here's what happens, <jar:jar> runs and creates my app.jar with class
files and resources (regular files). Then <ajc> runs on that jar
since it cannot run on a filesystem. That task creates two jars,
app.jar and app-nonweaved.jar. The nonweaved.jar has the same
properties file as my original app.jar. But the new app.jar in the
target directory is completely resource free. It is really


Ah ok. I would need to look at the aspectj plugin code to remember
exactly what it's doing (sorry I did this some time ago). I'm sure you
are right

Do you see this happening? Am I nuts? I'll keep trying. Thanks for
the <jar> tip.

No you're not nuts! It's probably me not remembering how I implemented the aspectj plugin. Sorry about that.

Oh yeah, one more thing... why does this appear every time?

[iajc] couldn't find aspectjrt.jar on classpath, checked:

Its just a warning, and the compile/package/weave works just fine.


I don't get why it always tells me it can't find that jar, when I know
it can because it compiles. Oh well.

I'd like to know too. This has been puzzling me, especially as everything works fine. I haven't had the time to debug it and find the reason (I've always suspected it was a bug in aspectj output but I may be wrong).



Vincent Massol wrote:

You cannot compare ajc with jar. One is about compiling the other


packaging. You must compare ajc with javac. But yes, I see your point
about including resource in a jar. Fortunately it's quite easy to do
with Ant. Simply use the <jar> task using update="true" as an


That said, what I don't understand is why these resources are not
packaged when you call the jar goal? Is it because these resources


only related to AOP?


-----Original Message-----
From: Charles N. Harvey III [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 09 February 2004 21:55
To: Maven Users List
Subject: Re: aspectj includes

As far as I can tell, the java (jar:jar) command does do it all in


step. This is because <ant:jar> has "includes" and "excludes" as


of the task. So whatever specified gets included or excluded. I


see a second step in the plugin.jelly file for the java or jar


And, I guess I don't really get it. How do you copy files into a


that has already been zipped?  I guess that is possible, I just have
never done it.

Any tips?


Vincent Massol wrote:


Why do you want to have the copying happen in the ajc step? Why not
simply do it in a second copy step as it is done for the java



-----Original Message-----
From: Charles N. Harvey III [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 09 February 2004 20:52
To: Maven Users List
Subject: Re: aspectj includes

I don't think it is possible yet.  Since everything runs under the
<ant:iajc> task and that task does not have any properties that


files other than .java and .aj.  The bug below shows that the goal
(possibly for 1.2) is to change "-injars" to "-inpath" so


are supported. I asked if that means that all files in the


will be included but have not yet heard back.


Vincent Massol wrote:

Hi Charles,

The current version of the aspectj plugin does not support


resource files. If you have time, please submit a patch :-)


-----Original Message-----
From: Charles N. Harvey III [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 02 February 2004 17:20
To: Maven Users List
Subject: aspectj includes

'Nother aspectj question that probably can't be answered, but I


ask anyway.  How can I include *.properties or *.xml files in my
aspected jar?  No matter what I seem to do my static files are


copied over into the jar. Which, of course, makes my app fail.

It even strips them out when I do <injars>. The original jar


properties files but the new aspected one does not. Pretty


Any tips would be much appreciated.





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