Hi users,

I'm trying to run a junit test from maven.xml and get the following
        [test] [ERROR] Could not find
org.apache.testlet.engine.TextTestEngine. Make sure you have it in your

Now, this test runs fine from Ant (v 1.5) but when I migrated it to
Maven (v. 1.0-rc1) I started to see the error.
I searched all of the jar files and could not come up with a reference
to "TextTestEngine" anywhere.

My maven goal looks something like this:
    <goal name="stuff:hansel-run">
        <property name="mavenClasspath"

        <ant:junit printsummary="yes" 
                   haltonfailure="no" fork="yes" timeout="600000">
          <formatter type="xml"/>

          <test todir="target"

            <classpath >
                <pathelement path="${mavenClasspath}"/>
            </classpath >

Have you seen this problem before -- and if so, what is the solution?



        g GE Medical Systems
                      Information Technologies
        David Swierczek
        Sr. Software Engineer
        Clinical Systems Engineering

        General Electric Company
        8200 West Tower Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53233
        Telephone: 414.362.2753  Fax: 414.362.2880
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