lots of licensing issues to deal with there, some folks just don't want their jars uploaded to ibiblio -- even though you can download them for free from the source!

Just add the needed directories to your $MAVEN_HOME_LOCAL, for example:
mkdir $MAVEN_HOME_LOCAL/repository/jstl/jars
and stick it in yourself (so to speak)

use dependencies as you normally would if they were on ibiblio.

Daniel Draws wrote:

Actually I'm developing an J2EE project. And I like the idea to test maven. And first I want to say, that I like it.

Now I want to develop the web-tier and I can't find any of the jakarta-taglibs (http://jakarta.apache.org/taglibs/index.html). I can not beliefe that no developer using maven uses any of them (logging, datetime,...).

I don't know, if this is the right place: But is there anybody, who can tell me, were to find a remote repository with this libs.
If not: Would it be posible to add the jakarta-taglibs to the ibiblio-repository. The normal JIRA-way seems to be not the best, because it requires more then 25 requests. And all of the older requests for the upload of taglibs are opend since September 03.

Is there any workaround, if there is no posibility for putting the libs in a remote repository. I think it should be posible to declare a dependency for a zip file and then in the build-pocess this file should be unzipped and included in the target.



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