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I searched through the maven-users archive for my question and found something close to what I am looking for (http://nagoya.apache.org/eyebrowse/ReadMsg? [EMAIL PROTECTED]&msgId=808818), but either it does not quite fit my scenario or I do not understand it as well as I think.

Anyway, I have a cvs project containing common utility source code that gets used across a number of our projects. This is all library code--there is no main(), just a few unit tests. This project includes packages such as:


The ant script we currently employ builds multiple jar files from this source: mycompany-crypto.jar, mycompany-xml.jar, etc. This has to be done because of various legal reasons as well as minimizing the size of distributed applications. We do not want to build one gigantic util jar file containing everything because we do not want to (or cannot) ship the crypto classes to everyone. Nor do we want to ship our custom XML code out with a program that does not utilize it in order to minimize download sizes as well as exposed object code (which can be decompiled).

I am in the process of evaluating Maven to replace or coexist with our existing Ant build process. For final release projects, Maven is great because I can tell it where to find mycompany-crypto.jar, etc. For this core "util" project, I am having difficulty figuring out how to best model the behavior I need in Maven. Is there a way to have a single project.xml output half a dozen jar files--one for each package? Will I have to resort to multiple project files (project-crypto.xml, project-xml.xml, etc) with one master project.xml to bind them all? Should I stick with the existing Ant scripts in this one case?
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