<gr> Hit sent ...

Sonnek, Ryan wrote on Friday, March 19, 2004 5:02 PM:
> Ok,
> In order to use maven in a multiproject setting, the child
> projects "extend" the parent project.  The problem lies in
> having the parent project mounted in eclipse as a project
> with a child project underneath.  It would help if you
> explained in your current setup, what do you have mounted as eclipse
> projects? 

Seems we're both right. My main project does just create docs, but no artifact. 
Therefore I have only Eclipse projects for the single subprojects creatinga real 
artifact. With this setup, it does not matter, how you nest your directories, as long 
as you do not build such an artifact in a parent directory.

> Here's a quick demonstration of what doesn't work in eclipse:
> /myproject/project.xml

Works, if this is not an Eclipse project.

> /myproject/subproject1/project.xml (extends parent project) 
> /myproject/subproject2/project.xml (extends parent project)

These are Eclipse projects.

BTW: I have no problems to have the CVS root in Eclipse at /myproject.


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