Hi Julien,

perhaps you could include the framework dependencies from a common file
instead of writing them into the project xml files directly.

Jörg Schaible wrote a wiki about this topic in Maven:

Hope this helps,

> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 25. März 2004 10:39
> Betreff: Dynamic dependencies
> Hi all, I have a little (tricky) dependency problem :
> Problem :
> On the project I'm working on, we have several maven 
> projects, and some of
> them are "frameworks" projects that are used by the other 
> ones. All these
> projects depends of the same root project that defines the 
> common things
> like external dependencies.
> We have something like this :
> root project
> |-- project 1
> |-- project 2
> |-- project 3
> When we decide to ship a new version of a "framework" project 
> (let's call
> it frmk-project) , we have to update all the project.xml of 
> the projects
> that have frmk-project as dependancy, and as we have many of 
> them, I was
> looking for a way to make this automatic.
> Idea :
> So I thought that it would be nice to define the current "framework"
> projects versions on the root project and put this version in 
> the other
> project dependencies so a version change would only cause I 
> change to be
> made : it would be something like :
> root maven.xml
> <j:set var="frmk.version" value="42"/>
> project 2 project.xml
> <dependency>
>   <groupId>foogroup</groupId>
>   <artifactId>frmk</artifactId>
>   <version>frmk.version</version>
> </dependency>
> Problem :
> The problem is : how is it possible to set the variable 
> before getting the dependencies ?
> I tried the build:start hook but it occurs later and I can't 
> find any previous one, or is there any other way to do this 
> work, or any other way to
> solve this problem ?
> Thanks
> Julien K.
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