For some reason it appears to be ignoring anything I put in the file. I added the debug setting you wanted, and it
produced no output in the logs. I also added the properties you have
here for project logo and company logo, as is, knowing they could not be
found, but it does not appear to have even attempted to use those logos.

Here is the result of running the pdf goal:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/Documents/Hub/EvidentDataExtractPlugin> maven pdf
 __  __
|  \/  |__ _Apache__ ___
| |\/| / _` \ V / -_) ' \  ~ intelligent projects ~
|_|  |_\__,_|\_/\___|_||_|  v. 1.0-rc1-SNAPSHOT



    [echo] Generating
/home/maven/Documents/Hub/EvidentDataExtractPlugin/target/docs/ ...
Line #187; Column #109; Can not load requested doc: 
(No such file or directory)
Line #187; Column #109; Can not load requested doc: 
 (No such file or directory)


    [echo] Generating
/home/maven/Documents/Hub/EvidentDataExtractPlugin/target/docs/project.pdf ...
    [java] [DEBUG] Input mode:
    [java] [DEBUG] FO
    [java] [DEBUG] fo input file:
    [java] [DEBUG] Output mode:
    [java] [DEBUG] pdf
    [java] [DEBUG] output file:
    [java] [DEBUG] OPTIONS
    [java] [DEBUG] no user configuration file is used [default]
    [java] [DEBUG] debug mode on
    [java] [DEBUG] dump configuration
    [java] [DEBUG] quiet mode on
    [java] [INFO] Using org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser as SAX2
    [java] [INFO] base directory:
    [java] [INFO] FOP 0.20.5rc2
    [java] [INFO] Using org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser as SAX2
    [java] [INFO] building formatting object tree
    [java] [INFO] setting up fonts
    [java] [INFO] [1]
    [java] [WARNING] table-layout=auto is not supported, using fixed!
    [java] [DEBUG] Last page-sequence produced 1 pages.
    [java] [INFO] [2]
    [java] [DEBUG] Last page-sequence produced 1 pages.
    [java] [INFO] [3]
    [java] [DEBUG] Last page-sequence produced 1 pages.
    [java] [INFO] Parsing of document complete, stopping renderer
    [java] [DEBUG] Initial heap size: 637Kb
    [java] [DEBUG] Current heap size: 826Kb
    [java] [DEBUG] Total memory used: 188Kb
    [java] [DEBUG]   Memory use is indicative; no GC was performed
    [java] [DEBUG]   These figures should not be used comparatively
    [java] [DEBUG] Total time used: 1374ms
    [java] [DEBUG] Pages rendered: 3
    [java] [DEBUG] Avg render time: 458ms/page
Total time: 25 seconds
Finished at: Mon Apr 19 16:36:37 EDT 2004


> To:   "'Maven Users List'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject:      RE: PDF Plugin: Can it include any generated reports?
> Hello Brian,
>    Theorically, there's no problem with the property
> "maven.pdf.navigationFile". I'm using it everyday without problem.
>    You're right, by default the pdf plugin uses your file
> navigation.xml which not reference generated xdocs.
>    Here is the navigation-pdf.xml (in xdocs dir) for maven which
> reference some generated files :
> <project name="Maven">
>     <title>Maven</title>
>     <body>
>         <menu name="Overview">
>             <item name="Goals" href="/goals.html"/>
>             <item name="Features" href="/features.html"/>
>             <item name="News and Status" href="/status.html"/>
>             <item name="Changes" href="/changes-report.html"/>            
>             <item name="Mailing Lists" href="/mail-lists.html"/>
>             <item name="Source" href="/cvs-usage.html"/>
>             <item name="Dependencies" href="/dependencies.html"/>
>         </menu>
> ....
>     </body>
> </project>      
>    In the maven we added :
> #------------------------------------------------------------------
> # P D F   P R O P E R T I E S
> #------------------------------------------------------------------
> maven.pdf.projectLogo=
> maven.pdf.companyLogo=
> maven.pdf.navigationFile=navigation-pdf.xml
>    Do you have a clean checkout of maven and maven-plugins ??
>    Can you try to set the property "maven.pdf.debug=true" and post the
> log on Jira or on the mailing list.
> Arnaud.

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