Frederic Gedin a écrit :


I am facing a problem with maven junit plugin:

I put some asserts inside my code and gave the following options in the file:

When running "maven -X test", I clearly see that the JVM is invoked with the "-ea" option. However when I invoke "maven -X -D testmach="TestSingle" test:match", the JVM is invoked without the "-ea" options my asserts do not generate any exception.

Is this a known bug or a know restriction?

Digging a little bit into the plugin code, I realized that jvm args are not processed the same way in both cases:

goals test:test and test:single
<u:tokenize var="listOfJvmArgs" delim=" ">${maven.junit.jvmargs}</u:tokenize>
<j:forEach var="somejvmarg" items="${listOfJvmArgs}">
<jvmarg value="${somejvmarg}"/>

goal test:match
<maven:pluginVar var="jvmargs" plugin="maven-test-plugin" property="maven.junit.jvmargs" />
<j:if test="${!empty(jvmArgs)}">
<jvmarg line="${jvmargs}"/>

While not being aware of jelly coding, I suspect that the "test:match" goal should be coded the same as "test:test" and "test:single".
If yes, how can I put the fix back ?



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